domingo, 20 de octubre de 2013

The TSC-GSHL Experiment

The "Ra" Experiment or   Thompson-Spitzer-Chandra -Gauss-Saharov-Hunter-Lopez Experiment (TSC-GSHL or  KSC-GSHL) is the  final  of   trilogy  GSHL  of  Experiments  using biggest energies, planning this time, to use the Tremendous Energy of Sun,  using  its  thermoelectric  power.  

Is Ambitious but possible theoretically, because in the  core  of  the   sun   the  temperatures  reach  15  million  kelvin  degree . Using  it  like  a  MFCG (or EFCG)  of  giant  proportions, in  similar  way  to  the  GSHL-Experiment  converting  this  gradients  of  temperature  to current   and  fields   as  never,  never  has  been   imagined....empowering  our  impulsion  coil  , and now  economizing  on explosives, and the ships can be  of   “Baptistinical  sizes” (see  fig).

 The problem of course, continue being the “high” temperature,  “giant”  pressures  and “strong” radiations.
First that all, we beginning arming  our   coupled electromagnetic  loops ,  later and   of classical way we  follow  with a balance equation like in GSHL Calculation .
To continue, we proceed to calculate the inner currents using the  Bennett's  Relation  and   we'll   supposse  the   teragaussiann  loop  like   a  Plasma bulb  (see fig.)  to    obtain The Thompson-Spitzer-Lopez's Speed Equation .

Finally  we'll attack  the  problem  DPT  (Density-  Pressure-Temperature)  with  the  following   hipothesys  :  the  vehicle  will  cross the  sun  core   only  if  it is  inner   of  a   "great"  protector  shield  and  the  exposition-time  is  "short". 

Using  the  "matrioska-system" as  we  has  called.    ver  fig  .Even  if   the  calculation  is  negative  to   our hypothesis    believe  us  that  in  the  future  it  can  carry out,  perhaps  using  "Higgs's  tunneling"s  or  some  other  "gravitacional  trick"  unknowed  update.

    the final concept is using this giants electromagnetic streams, produced for the  stars, like canals that would help  us to  voyage across the universe in similar form to antiquity peoples using the streams in sea or rivers to navigate.

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