miércoles, 14 de agosto de 2013

Introduction to The GSHL-Experiment

Is  well  knew   that  the  powder   have  a  calorific  power  of   only  0.7  MCal/Kg    and  that  the  chocolate  have  6.0  MCal/Kg  ,  but  the   powder  may  release  it in  some  microseconds   delivering  one  potency  of  so magnitude  that  equalize  to  the  networked   electric   power   of  a   little  nation. In  the  50’s   Andrei   Sacharov  studied  the  form  of  generate  great  current  using  explosive  driven  flux compression  devices,   initializing   all  one  branch  of  study   in   physics.   Now  well, in   our  paper,   we   did  us   the  follow   question :  What  Would  happen   if    driven  us    all    the  explosive giga-joulian power  to   one   Gauss-solenoid  to   impulse  one  spaceship?. We   denominate  to  this theoretical  experiment (Gedanke):  The  GSHL  Experiment.

The GSHL or Gauss - Saharov - Hunter - López  Experiment also  called  "Space  Dart"  Proyect.  Is  about   the  possibility   to   make   a    super-impulse  for   future  ship spaces  using   Electromagnetic-Thermonuclear Propulsion .   Its   Theoretical   Foundations is on the more  deep study  of  MFCG  and  EDFC.  The abbreviation   is   by Karl-Friedrich Gauss,  great   german  mathematician of eighteenth century who  formulated  interesting ideas over magnetism. Andrei  Saharov,  russian  physician and  nobel  prize,   who  first  work  in  MFCG  device   and   thinked  to   respect. Hunter is an engineer, who make research  about  electromagnetic  guns for the  us-navy.  And    Lopez, your  modest server, who  did  the  theoretical  integration work  like  experiment that present  to  you.  We  beginning  with  basic  equations  and  lift the  difficult level   few  to  few,  first  using  constant  currents  and  post  using  time  domine   signal.  The  MFCG  detail,  we'll  let  to post   in view of   " experimental difficult obvious",  and   that perhaps   carry us to "squeeze" all the concerning with Teraflopian Simulations in High Energies to levels never before Thinked.

The  Hypothesis  is  follow   (View  Fig.): we  doing  explote,  in  the  space, a  charge  with  gigajoulianic  power ,  all  thermoelectric  power   produced   is  used  to  generate  a  teragaussian  field  to  manner  of  MFCG,  later  coupling  us  an  injection  coil  to  a secondary  loops,  this  circuit,  which  have  an  impulsión  solenoid  by   where  driven  it  all  possible   energy .  Later  a  serie  of   projectiles will  cross  finally  ejecting  to  speed  closed  to  0.1c   all  this  in  microsecond  scales (View Rough Calculation).             

The  quetions  that  doing us   is:  Is  possible  make  a  Thermonuclear MFCG or  exist  limits?  What  currents  may  be  obtained?   Will  be  affect  the  circuit  for  the  EM-Pulse  produced by  Explosion ? Is  possible  make  a  device  with  explosion  geometry  that  be  convenient  to  our  experiment?  what  magnetic  field will be  produced? what  thrust  force  would  be  produce  for  so  fields?  and   for  last  the  more  daring  of  all : Is  possible   using  the  stars,  the  sun...  like  Giant MFCG's  to  impulse  some  "more  big"  that   simple  space darts? . As  you  can  see  have  very  much  interesting  questions. 
The applications over theme go to from space travell ,destruction of  dangerous  astheroids,   until material engineering to ultra-high pressure.     
  Einstein  sayed one   time  that :  "to  understand  well  the  physics  one  must  attack  true  problems"  even  Dad  for  the  other  hand,  say me   that  a  good problem  to  attack  would  be    marry  me  and  have  a  proper family,  he  is  my  father (Joke) ,  Good  I  wait  that  you  enjoy  my  theme  and  visit  my  blog.

J.E. Lopez  L.
(Magnetic  Works)               

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